About the Workshop
With the digital transformation touching all aspects of people’s lives, digital security practices and shortcomings increasingly affect the physical world, with substantial consequences for human quality of life. The way digital security is currently designed is a significant barrier for many users. It creates negative user experiences and makes many people dependent on others to participate in the digital world safely. Understanding, controlling, and acting on digital security aspects is key to a self-determined life. Collaborative research is required to address this important challenge that could bring the digital transformation to a halt. We invite researchers from the human-computer-interaction and security communities to build an understanding of technical and social requirements for inclusive security.
Call for Participation
The workshop Inclusive Security by Design will be held on September 4th, 2022, at the MuC in Darmstadt. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the human-computer-interaction and security communities to consolidate and further develop an understanding of technical and societal requirements for inclusive security.
We want to create a forum to exchange ideas on inclusive security that fosters self-determined information security. At the same time, the workshop is intended to open up the discussion to a broader audience of experts from academia and industry.
Thematically, the workshop aims to cover a spectrum as broad as possible. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following questions:
- What are the joint visions between security and HCI?
- What does it take to move beyond educating the user?
- Technologies for humans – what does this mean?
- How does security technology need to change fundamentally?
- How can we design security mechanisms that are inclusive across the diverse spectrum of target groups and applications?
- What are technical requirements?
- What are societal requirements?
We invite two types of submissions: a 2-4 pages Position Statement or a 150-250 words Abstract/Case Study. The 2-4 pages Position Statement can be a presentation of already ongoing or planned research work on the workshop's topics or a critical position that fits into the more extensive discussion of the workshop. The Abstract/Case Study can be a motivation of interest or present an opinion.
Submission Format
The contributions should be in German or English, previously unpublished, and comply with the author guidelines of Mensch und Computer 2022. In accordance with the guidelines, the ACM format template should be used (LaTeX, Word). Submission should be in double-column format. References are excluded from the page limit. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information.
The contributions will be reviewed by the workshop’s program committee. The accepted position statement (2-4 pages) will be published in the workshop proceedings of Mensch & Computer. Abstracts/Case Studies will also be reviewed, but the accepted contributions will not be published in the workshop proceedings but mentioned on the website. Once accepted, authors will have the chance to present their work in a talk or poster. Submissions are not expected to be finished research projects, but should be seen more as motivational and/or provocative pieces.
Position Statement submissions can be made via ConfTool submission system: ConfTool - MCI-WS14.Abstract and Case Study submissions can be made via the submission form: Form - MCI-WS14.
Important Dates
Notification: 15. July 2022
Camera Ready Deadline: 29. July 2022
Workshop date: 4. September 2022
Might be subject to change.
The workshop is designed as a half-day event that includes short talks, a demo session, and plenty of time for discussions and collaborative planning.
12:00 - 13:30 | Joint Lunch* |
14:00 - 15:30 | Session I Welcome and Introduction, Talks, Demos |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00 - 17:00 | Session II Break out Session, Discussion, DFG Priority Program |
17:00 - 17:30 | Plenum, Wraping-up. |
Pascal Knierim, University of the Bundeswehr, MunichSebastian Feger, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Sarah Prange, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich
Dominik Bayerl, Technical University of Ingolstadt
Stefan Schneegaß, University of Duisburg-Essen
Angela Sasse, Ruhr University Bochum
Hans-Joachim Hof, Technical University of Ingolstadt
Florian Alt, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich